

重紫 作者:蜀客 【编辑推荐】 我欲度你成仙,却被你度成了人。 九天之上,浮云天际,是谁丢了自己,不思量,却难忘;彼岸花下,是谁历经两世,依旧难断情丝。人何方,魂何方,只愿朝朝暮暮常相伴。 【内容简介】 睥睨六界,绝世风华,他是仙门至高无上的重华尊者,高高在上,任人仰望,任人敬慕,却永远也摸不到,得...


茫茫穿越大軍,美豔女子穿至古風朝代。宮廷揹景,朝黨之爭,後宮相鬥,爾虞我詐,險象環生,情感糾結。。。。。。 天價皇後 皇上,休了! 丞相府的三小姐,沐青瑤被南安王慕容流昭一拳打死了,卻迎來了另一個全新的女人,光芒四射,魅力驚人。 沐青瑤物語,即便你貴為皇帝,下了天價的騁禮,但我堂堂陸戰軍第17團的參...

Earth School

New and Noteworthy in UK Education July-SeptemberEarth School iPhone and iPad apps by Yateland are fantastic for teaching young kids about how the uni...

من عجائب الصدقة

كتاب من عجائب الصدقة تأليف خالد بن سليمان الربعيصادر عن دار القاسم للنشر والتوزيعالناشر الإلكترونيhttp://www.ktibat.comالراعي للكتاب كتطبيق شبكة الألو...


Tada is a simple personal todo list application for your daily tasks. Its flexible and simple interface lets you edit/create your lists quickly with b...

Touch Lua

Program with Lua, a simple and modern programming language. Lua’s syntax is simple as BASIC but Lua is faster and more powerful. Which make it just pe...


myCurry helps you stay connected to Curry College from wherever you are. Get access to your courses, grades, class schedule, stay informed with the la...