你知道星期制度的起源么? 你知道星期的每一天对映一个神话人物么? 你知道东方文化中也有七日一周期的习俗,并和星空对应么? 星期一 日 曜日 太阳 Sun 太阳神 星期二 月 曜日 月亮 Moon 月亮神 星期三 火 曜日 火星 Mars 战神提尔Tyr 星期四 水 曜日 水星 Mercury 众神之...
你知道星期制度的起源么? 你知道星期的每一天对映一个神话人物么? 你知道东方文化中也有七日一周期的习俗,并和星空对应么? 星期一 日 曜日 太阳 Sun 太阳神 星期二 月 曜日 月亮 Moon 月亮神 星期三 火 曜日 火星 Mars 战神提尔Tyr 星期四 水 曜日 水星 Mercury 众神之...
精彩神秘的盗宝故事,婉转曲折的探险道路,哀怨的爱情故事。时间轮转千年爱恋是否能穿越时空,经受千年离别的锤炼回归于最初相见的悸动?本作带你感受内心最深处的哀怨情仇,资深策划深度剖析自我世界内的人生感悟。精美画面感人至深的故事即将娓娓道来!点击下载!不容错过的手机游戏! 【故事背景】:公元前222年,秦...
The Firehouse #1 Bar and Grill App provides quick and easy access to the menu, special offers, events, and location information for Firehouse #1 Bar a...
600 Multiple Choice Quizzes, Flash Cards and a Handy Dictionary. Make sure you are prepared for your upcoming exam by utilizing this fantastic resourc...
The official Momentum 2014 application is designed to enhance the on-site experience for attendees with the following features:-Schedule-Polls-Surveys...
Firearms is a collection where you can find detailed info and great photos.You can view, compare, search and play a quiz test.Features:- Detailed info...
Discover different plants, trees, groundcovers, vines, and flowers from the Willamette Valley in Oregon that are fire-resistant. Easily browse through...
Fire-Rescue International (FRI) is the annual conference and expo of the IAFC. Each year thousands of chiefs, chief officers and company officers atte...
Each August, 13,000+ of the most prominent fire and emergency service leaders from across North America and around the globe come together for 5 days ...
The IAFC produces premier conferences that bring together thousands of the world's leading decision makers and experts on all facets of fire and emerg...