**透過手機就可以做到的公益活動 **發票常會亂塞滿包包與口袋嗎?搖搖愛心碼app讓你不再困擾了,可以在消費時就直接捐出囉! **在結帳前輕鬆搖搖手機,提供給結帳人員嗶嗶,就可以把發票捐給公益團體囉 **中小型的社福團體沒有預算製作與管理發票箱,透過這個app你可以舉手之勞幫助他們 **這個app可...
**透過手機就可以做到的公益活動 **發票常會亂塞滿包包與口袋嗎?搖搖愛心碼app讓你不再困擾了,可以在消費時就直接捐出囉! **在結帳前輕鬆搖搖手機,提供給結帳人員嗶嗶,就可以把發票捐給公益團體囉 **中小型的社福團體沒有預算製作與管理發票箱,透過這個app你可以舉手之勞幫助他們 **這個app可...
2012/7/1 日起目前紙本電子發票將不再印出, 每個人都需要一組共通性載具碼, 也可以稱為手機條碼. 這組號碼就是代表你在電子發票雲中的個人身份. 所以消費時只要出示該條碼就可以在財政部雲端電子發票平台中管理, 所以還沒有申請的人, 請到https://www.einvoice.nat.gov....
《伊甸》是热酷游戏代理的首款U3D ARPG动作手游,是一款汇聚中、美、韩三方业内顶尖游戏制作人,历时2年倾尽全力打造的一款具有划时代意义的真3D 全景格斗类手游巨制。游戏以各个种族联合对抗魔族,保护伊甸大陆和平为主线,以个人试炼和成长历程交织多线展开,故事情节恢宏庞大,人物性格细腻多彩,极富代入感...
Learn to make tasty recipes with ★ Kitchen Cat ★ on your Android phone.Show off your new culinary talents and impress the people you love.Recipes are ...
Khung anh Ghep anh nghe thuat LWPGhep hinh nghe thuat, khung hinh LWP tạo hiệu ứng tuyệt đẹp dành cho bạn!Ghép hình nghe thuat kem khung hình LWP cung...
Shoot the balls by firing shells. Andro Shooter!Andro Shooter allows a limited number of attempts to remove all the green balls from the game.When a b...
Silly serious quiz project ! Its taking over the subway and the bus! and the streets!Touch! Shake! Blow!Using all the sensors of smartphones Guess qui...
This is a Christmas app sequel! (find it in the appstore)"Give a chocolate 女 男 Day"First pick a color, then a female or male character > _ ...
This space is too small to describe all the functions but here is a start:Share photos where 'Seeing is believing' and tell others the whole s...
Crack the baby stuff by firing the little troublemaker into it!Launch attempts are limited to only 1, make it count.With only one attempt, you have to...