《小小指挥官》(Little Generals)是一款回合制射击类游戏,玩家可以充分体验指挥官在战场中运筹帷幄的感觉.玩法相当简单,玩家控制的坦克必须将敌方的坦克击倒即可过关,而每个关卡则以地图的形式来表达,玩家的任务就是攻下并占据整个地图.玩家调校坦克的发射角度,选择不同破坏力的弹头,即可向敌方坦...
《小小指挥官》(Little Generals)是一款回合制射击类游戏,玩家可以充分体验指挥官在战场中运筹帷幄的感觉.玩法相当简单,玩家控制的坦克必须将敌方的坦克击倒即可过关,而每个关卡则以地图的形式来表达,玩家的任务就是攻下并占据整个地图.玩家调校坦克的发射角度,选择不同破坏力的弹头,即可向敌方坦...
"When combined with the power of our customised Wi-Fi and server solutions, CrowdScreen harnesses the power of iOS device and enables our back end sys...
The Cbeyond TotalCloud File Storage mobile app allows you to access your files in the cloud from your iPhone and iPad, making it simple to download, u...
CrowdFlik. Crowd Powered Video.CrowdFlik is the fastest and easiest way to edit and share video on your iPhone, iTouch and iPad. With CrowdFlik you ca...
CrowdGame Trivially is the interactive quiz game for up to 11 players, featuring our trivia, or create your own custom trivia contest, for fun with fa...
CrowdGame Trivially Pro is an interactive single-player quiz game, where you can test your family, friends, classroom, company, group, or organization...
This app is a control surface for CrowdGlow transmitter hardware. If you would like to find out how you can use CrowdGlow at a concert or event that y...
Total Truck Centers Insight: The perfect partner for the aftermarket truck retailer.Total Truck Centers is the largest marketing program for retailers...
###### Featured by Apple as "New and Noteworthy" in Nov 2010 ######Crowded Skies is a must have App. If you ever wondered how it is like a Traffic Con...
Crowded is a speculative fiction magazine that aims to give you the best reading experience we can by combining great stories with stunning artwork an...