TVBS邁向20!全新TVBS APP上線!翻轉新視界,TVBS走出大螢幕,貼近您的生活!TVBS APP讓您隨時隨地掌握第一線新聞快報及流行娛樂資訊!一向秉持新聞專業,最值得您信賴的TVBS新聞,攜手精彩創新,時時滿足您食衣住行需求的TVBS娛樂,即將在全新的TVBS APP與您見面!在行動平台上...
TVBS邁向20!全新TVBS APP上線!翻轉新視界,TVBS走出大螢幕,貼近您的生活!TVBS APP讓您隨時隨地掌握第一線新聞快報及流行娛樂資訊!一向秉持新聞專業,最值得您信賴的TVBS新聞,攜手精彩創新,時時滿足您食衣住行需求的TVBS娛樂,即將在全新的TVBS APP與您見面!在行動平台上...
看看板是一款简单易用灵活轻便的项目管理及团队时间管理工具,是面向移动时代开发的看板式任务管理产品。随时随地可以一目了然查看团队进展,记录创意想法分享灵感,摆脱传统繁冗复杂僵化死板的项目管理产品,让团队成员因便利的工具更加高效,更加快乐。 看板式:所有任务事项如看板般一目了然。 三要素:强化时间、责任...
Baa Baa Black SheepDo you know the song "Baa, baa, black sheep"? In this game a little sheep travels through the pastures, looking for letters, bags o...
Jigsaw Puzzles for kids and toddlers with Animals theme!Your child is fond of animals and jigsaw puzzles ? Try the app “Bazoo” for toddlers : - Choose...
Cada vez somos más los que elegimos la bici como medio de transporte para movernos en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y queremos seguir promoviendo esta alt...
¡Llegó el juego del verano! Vas a poder divertirte atajando con la sombrilla los objetos playeros que caen desde el cielo. ¡Hacé tu mejor puntaje y co...
The MyFlock™ App from AviagenThe purpose of the MyFlock™ is to help Aviagen’s customers to easily share information and best management practices in o...
Avia-TIC, is a mobile app maintenance tool for the aviation industry that aids technicians pilots and flight crews to perform repairs and maintenance ...
Aviation Docs™ provides pilots, fleet operators, and maintenance personnel with access to Fleet, Aircraft and Aircraft-type specific document librarie...
You fly with your iPad. And iPad is not like paper. Why not having a checklist app that suits the needs of a pilot and at the same time, it's 100% iPa...