

كشاف بسيط للاناره باستخدام فلاش الكاميرا , تقدر تستخدمه كمان انك تشارك اصدقائك علي مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي لانك ممكن تعرف بيه النور قطع امتي وجه تاني ...


The Globalscape Mobile Transfer Client (MTC) app is designed to work exclusively with Globalscape's award-winning managed file transfer solution k...


How High Is Your Definition?The increasing popularity of crystal-clear broadcasts in American TV has indicated that HDT has arrived and here to stay. ...


eStore is the best way to reach multiple sites on a single go. Users are able to access any of the included website around the country from a single a...


Les meilleures vannes de la série H maintenant disponibles sur votre mobile !Une application regroupant les meilleures vannes de la série H.On y retro...

海盜射銀 Demo

【沒有任何內購服務,一個價錢,一世任玩。】玩家是一位商人,並擁有一搜商船。玩家必需與其他商船交易,派船員到島上尋寶 ,用賺取的金幣升級自己的船,購買火炮,以對付突然出現海盗。承接前作,本遊戲沒有指定結局,玩家只需就著自己的目標,選擇自己的旅程的難度,完成並開啟最後寶箱,再向下一旅程進發。本作亦以隨機...