留下來陪你生活 吉他譜 五線譜


本应用专为喜欢吉他的朋友打造。里面包含了大量的吉他弹唱乐谱。是吉他爱好者必备的工具。本版本还是测试版、 曲谱大概就100多个。如果朋友们反应好的话小编会继续更新乐谱。哈哈~~~希望大家支持~~喜欢啥谱或者希望啥谱都可以提出到时候下次更新 本应用有8类曲谱。包含了 1.欧美经典歌曲 2.最近流行的谱库...


吉他曲谱大全是系统综合的吉他自学教程,朗阔了从初学者到高级学员的必学内容; 1.详细的吉他课程,以及初学者常有的问题解答,让您真正无师自通; 2.系统的乐理知识,采用浅显易懂的语言来阐述乐理; 3.民谣吉的基础知识,基础练以及一些常用演奏技巧; 4.包含丰富的乐曲资源,影视金曲、流行歌曲……也不乏有...


【指动生活团购软件介绍】 : 指动生活团购,口碑最好、山东最火的团购必备软件,在这里,美食、电影、娱乐、生活、酒店、旅游、外卖等给力团购一应俱全!指动生活是开创集团精心打造的手机客户端,简单顺畅的操作体验让手机用户随时随地享受便捷的团购服务,更有手机用户专享的秒杀活动等着您。 【强大功能】 找团购:...

Angry Toss

Remember the boring teacher in the school? The guy always chattered and chattered, and threw you the chalk. Now it’s your turn! Enjoy the toss and hav...

Kids Count

This is a very game for preschoolers with easy operation and slow pulse. The game contains education in amusement. Parents are welcome to play the gam...

Chubby RunHD

Life was like a box of chocolate cakes, you never know what you’re gonna get after you run so far.” -------Chubby.Dirk “Running is just a part of life...

Chick RunHD

The chick is running! Chick of Chicks! Chick Run is a fresh style parkour game. You would see a round chick with cool hair style and huge gloves runni...