田中理惠-emotion mv

Avokiddo Emotions

当您将开心的麋鹿、有趣的斑马、羞答答的绵羊和快活的长颈鹿给小孩看时,他们会咯咯笑起来。使用超过 110 种独特的道具在不同场景中装扮动物、给它们喂食、与它们分享玩具并且和它们互动,您还会发现更多情绪。USA Today:“这款滑稽好玩的应用程序是孩子们了解情绪的一种很好方式”Common Sense...


The first app to be released by a butcher in the UK on both iPhone and Android.This app features over 90 Meal solutions from the 2009 winner of Britai...

Elaine Mineral

Your personal shop consultant.A mobile app for online shoppers with a personal shop consultant exclusively catered to your needs. Purchase mineral mak...

