

研究表明,每个人有时候都或多或少有些犯罪倾向,在虚拟世界中这种欲望更容易得到释放,而且免于像在现实世界里犯罪并承担其道德后果的悲惨下场(比如蹲大牢)。 一款基于位置的虚拟游戏,把真实的地点整合到游戏中,要求玩家在西雅图的不同地点实施虚拟犯罪。 在游戏中,你要找到“对手”,然后用你的武器跟他对决。如果...

Home Lite

Home Lite app provides a wealth of information to the user how to furnish, decorate and sort your future home. The software can be very useful if you ...

Home Art

Home Architecture and Design app provides a wealth of information to the user how to furnish, decorate and sort your future home. The software can be ...