這是壹個android上的新聞組客戶端,它功能強大,而且是免費的(付費版本见:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.piaohong.NewsReader)功能與特點支持多個新聞組服務器支持預訂新聞組支持SSL支持Tree View(樹狀...
這是壹個android上的新聞組客戶端,它功能強大,而且是免費的(付費版本见:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.piaohong.NewsReader)功能與特點支持多個新聞組服務器支持預訂新聞組支持SSL支持Tree View(樹狀...
特快單位是RockCat Studio繼No.1 App 特快翻譯後另一顛峯之作. 特快單位, 是一個單位換算的手機軟件, 支援高達12類別93種不同的單位換算. 三大特點: 特快換算, 簡單易用和多單位換算. *支持語言:繁體,简体和英語. 單位表: 長度 - Millimeter 毫米 (mm)...
TVB Americas is a TVB USA officially licensed app.TVB is the major television program producer in Hong Kong and one of the largest commercial Chinese ...
TVBS邁向20!全新TVBS APP上線!翻轉新視界,TVBS走出大螢幕,貼近您的生活!TVBS APP讓您隨時隨地掌握第一線新聞快報及流行娛樂資訊!一向秉持新聞專業,最值得您信賴的TVBS新聞,攜手精彩創新,時時滿足您食衣住行需求的TVBS娛樂,即將在全新的TVBS APP與您見面!在行動平台上...
※榮登Play Store旅遊類付費應用程式排行榜前10名 (2013/5/23),歡迎多加利用Google提供免費試用15分鐘的時間。當你到一個地方時,會煩惱不知道當地的特色美食在哪裡嗎?! "美食特搜"APP讓你搖身一變成為美食達人,輕鬆遍嚐各地的美食。本App蒐集了"食尚玩家"、"就要醬玩"與...
Impudent and spiteful cheeses are attacking our planet. The united humanity called for Monster-Mouse to solve the problem. Monster-Mouse began it’s li...
NOW WITH LOCATIONS! If you have ever looked through your photos and videos on your iPhone and wondered when a photo was taken, then Snap Date by uCent...
Cheese Mazes is a classic 3D style virtual maze. The goal of the game is to find the cheese in each maze to unlock the next maze. There are 25 maze pu...
Aliens are trying to escape Earth and it looks like they're planning on taking all of our pigs and balloons with them. It's up to you to stop the alie...
The greatest time of the year for a Sweet Martha’s cookie is when she and her friends are being thoroughly enjoyed by thousands at the Minnesota State...