牧場物語 雙子村落下載漢化


提供一種快捷的方法來查找輸入中文所需的代碼,你可以使用語音輸入來幫助你輸入,提供其他功能如,繁簡轉換,希望可以幫助你。目前支援的輸入法: 倉頡,拼音,粵拼輸入法,繁簡轉換,速成輸入法,中文翻釋和發音,數字轉為中文大寫特點: 1.) 支持繁體/簡體中文2.) 支持語音輸入, 可設定語言為廣東話/普通話...


BEASMART.MOBI lets you manage your own app & iBeacon notifications.Thanks to BEASMART.MOBI with just few simple steps you can create your own app and ...

eGFR Calc

This renal function app lets you calculate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) with various estimation methods based on creatinine serum such as eCCr (es...

RealLife Exp

The RealLife Exp app is part of a system designed to interact with you throughout the day. Use the app to download LifePaks created by experts (or nov...

