無線喇叭 sony

Bluetooth AC Switch 藍牙無線開關

使用 Android 手機或平板電腦, 以藍牙無線功能遙控電器開關,讓您輕鬆遙控家電。本 APP 須搭配 "藍牙無線開關" 硬體。 安裝非常簡易,只要將藍牙無線開關插電,然後家電插到藍牙無線開關即可。注意家電須保持開啟狀態,由藍牙無線開關控制開關。手機或或平板電腦可以自動搜尋到已安裝的藍牙無線開關,...

Go Rolly

This is a super simple game.Rolly is a turtle.Rolly begins to explore a cave. Tap the screen to let Rolly jump and avoid obstancle.Download Go Rolly n...

Bolsa de Frases

Cientos de frases y citas célebres en español agrupadas por temáticas: vida, amor, dinero y muchas más. ¿Quieres una frase que te inspire? ¿Quieres un...

Savage Escape

Using the touch pad to move through the levels, you must reach the exit before time runs out. The only obstacles in your path are the walls, which you...