

為結合認識院藏文物,提供具互動性與個別性的行動載具網站與各類社群平台之創新服務,以拓展服務廣度,並運用Web 2.0的核心概念,特別開發「國書」App。內容分為「大清國致大英國國書」與「大清國致大法國國書」的一般智慧型裝置賞析,和滿文翻譯語音導覽,及「國書」歷史背景,「國書」遊戲下載和「國書」相關資...

Radiation JP

Notice: We are not supporting tablets. If you want to try load at your own risk!Do you want to know what's really going on around the Fukushima Po...


Binoxxo, also known as Takuzu, Tohu Wa Vohu, Binairo, Binary Puzzle or Binary Sudoku is a game where you have to fill a grid with X's and O's....