“美世家无线点菜for android”是专门针对广大餐饮企业对无线点菜方案的实际需求,在美世家无线点菜Apple系列的基础上,基于android系统平台开发的新一代无线点菜系统.特色1,数字化,图形式呈现,全屏触摸感观,人性化的自肋点餐让客人尽在掌控;2,缩短点菜,下单,结帐的时间,提供餐厅用餐高...
“美世家无线点菜for android”是专门针对广大餐饮企业对无线点菜方案的实际需求,在美世家无线点菜Apple系列的基础上,基于android系统平台开发的新一代无线点菜系统.特色1,数字化,图形式呈现,全屏触摸感观,人性化的自肋点餐让客人尽在掌控;2,缩短点菜,下单,结帐的时间,提供餐厅用餐高...
Welcome to the American Tire Distributors Meetings App! This app is a communications hub for Tire Pros Dealers, Vendor Partners, ATD Employees and ATD...
The American Association of Community Colleges with the support of the National Science Foundation will hold the 21st National ATE Principal Investiga...
ATEAC Centre d’affaires met à votre disposition ses espaces de travail pour répondre à toutes vos exigences professionnelles et personnelles. Salles d...
AtechBLE is a simple app to allow you to access Atech's BLE module (BL-4011) with SPP-like private profile.BL-4011 is a BT4.0 single mode module and t...
El Instalador y Electra son publicaciones técnicas del Grupo Editorial El Instalador. Especializadas en climatización, refrigeración, energías, agua, ...
Mit dieser offiziellen und kostenlosen Atelier¹³-App für das iPhone und iPad informieren wir Sie nun auch mobil über unsere Angebote und Neuentwicklun...
The Aten KVM Products guide application is a handy product feature comparison guide. Help you to choose the right product model you need.Specially des...
O Atendi Pedido é um aplicativo que faz parte de um sistema avançado de atendimento para o setor alimentício. O Atendi Pedido é o aplicativo responsáv...
Atento Chat es una aplicación que te permite comunicarte con los operadores de Atento Perú para la solución de dudas o incidencias. Atento es la empre...