瀏覽器升級 盜版

Windows 8

Bored of Android's User Interface? Do you want a new style start screen? If you do, then wait no more!Now get the experiance and user interface of Win...


Engadget is your ultimate destination for reviews, news and research from the world of consumer electronics. Our team of expert editors and columnists...


Beaufort scale with descriptions of wind and sea state, wave heights and conversion from knots to km/h, mph and m/s. Also a calculator to calculate tr...


Do you want to go sailing, windsurfing, biking or just out of the door? This application shows the current local outdoor wind speed (in beaufort, mph,...

Партнерский портал

© 2014 ЗАО "ПФ "СКБ Контур"Мобильное приложение отображает данные Партнерского портала компании ЗАО «ПФ «СКБ Контур», расположенного по адресу: https:...


“盜版的黃金時代” - 基於物理的時間在您需要使用您的準確性和邏輯克敵制勝的海盜海戰的殺手商場。不同類型的砲彈有自己的特色,如大型鉛彈,是更好地對船員使用,和大砲的好炸彈。天氣條件和障礙,也影響了遊戲,極大地複雜化你的任務。讓自己沉浸到大氣中的海盜戰鬥。權衡一個錨!     特點: - 12個不同層...


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