

Maybe you have problems with your Wi-Fi network at home, at work or anywhere else. Phone does not reconnect to another known network even when it has ...


WiFly – unclouded service!It is the best solution for transferring photos, songs, documents, movies and other files between computer and your mobile d...


Automatically adjust your radio settings whenever you enter/exit Airplane mode.***This app kicks off a thread that passively watches for when you ente...


برنامج جداولبرنامج خدمي لتنظيم جدول الطالب والمعلم بما يحقق أقصى فائدة ممكنة لإدارة اليوم لدى الطالب والمعلم سواء أكان في المدرسة أو خارج المدرسة، فال...