

Toute l’actualité en France et à l’international, rubrique par rubrique et vos shows avec RMC : - Accédez aux dernières informations - Suivez le Direc...

Make XII

The game is a educational game,make kids learn with much fun.Using slide to match next tile and tile on the board to make XII.- For elementary school ...

TAOKAS Cycling - 道卡斯自行車

透過此 APP,可以將您的騎行活動帶來趣味性兼實用性,同時,讓您的騎行不再孤單,無時差的提供您各地道卡斯經銷點及補給站情報。並且透過簡易之選車指南搜尋出最適合您的車種供您參考之外,透過路徑分享的功能,可與您的朋友群共享騎車紀錄與路徑。當然,道卡斯官方最新消息以及國內外各大賽事情報也是少不了的!注意事...


TAOMODA è l’APP che ti consente di vivere la rassegna che si svolgerà a Taormina dal 13 al 19 luglio 2014, abbinata ai Tao Awards e al Premio Internaz...


Taonii is the mobile app that holds you in the palm of its hand. With your permission, beacon technology senses your presence then goes into action al...