

保險王超級保險顧問系統 IKSC (Insurance King Super Consultant) 一套專為幫助保險理財顧問發展保險事業的App行銷系統,保險顧問從接觸客戶到成交所需資料All in Pad,以社會保險專業服務切入,幫客戶爭取權益再提醒善用商業保險補其不足。 提供多層架構發揮眾人智...


歡迎使用新光產險APP HD,本程式提供新光產險各項服務供您查詢,隨時隨地提供您最完整的服務資訊!(部分功能須會員才可使用,您可以至新光產險的官方網站查詢加入會員相關事宜。)本程式提供的服務包含:◎最新消息:隨時掌握產險最新消息及最新活動優惠。◎保單查詢:可隨時查詢您所投保之保單相關資訊,包含保險內...

SOT Housing AR

SOT Housing AR gives you a new way to look at the world and find out more about our services through your smartphone or tablet.You can give us feedbac...

Wade AR

Wade AR gives you a new way to look at the world and find out more about our services through your smartphone or tablet.You can give us feedback and l...

Staffs Live AR

Staffs Live AR gives you a new way to look at the world and find out more about our services through your smartphone or tablet. You can give us feedba...

Action For Kids

Action For Kids is a charity that helps young people with physical and learning disabilities across the country find greater levels of independence an...