模擬市民3 package檔

The Sims™ 3

模拟人生万岁!在你的Android装置上塑造你的模拟人物和他们的世界,享受无穷的快乐时光,探索无尽可能!有没有觉得《模拟人生》玩得不够尽兴?下载《The Sims:免费版》继续精彩人生吧!情结接续《模拟人生3》!• 随时随地体验属于您的“模拟人生”吧!《模拟人生3》是Android平台上唯一一款不需...

The Sims 3

LONG LIVE THE SIMS! Enjoy hours of fun on your Android device as you shape your Sims and their world. The possibilities are endless! CREATE YOUR OWN S...

英語文法 檢查程式

Visit www.nounplus.net Online Free English Grammar Checker英語文法 檢查程式你想寫到一篇完美英語的文章嗎?在工作上,你需要有一個更專業的備忘錄嗎?當你不知道用那個字或動詞時,如果你口袋裡有一個簡單而直接的文法參考指南,那豈不是很好嗎?你現在可...

Package Browser

Browse the packages installed on your device, including:* activities, services, receivers, and providers* resources and other assets, including graphi...

Package Explorer

Package Explorer is a tool for software developers that displays information about the all the apps it can find on your Android. In addition to listin...