

台糖健康易購網行動 App提供最新促銷訊息、線上購物、分店指引、打卡活動等,讓您24小時掌握最快的優惠資訊,還可享受虛擬貨架商品掃描QRcode的行動購物樂趣。 同時整合台糖量販會員卡,提供會員一次登錄後,即可查詢紅利點數並於量販與超市直接過卡,方便消費。 國營事業掛保證,滿足您食衣住行育樂的需求,...

Flappy Abbott

"No one, however smart, however well educated, however experienced, is the suppository of all wisdom."Help Tony make as many cuts as you can, but don&...

Spit City Free

Rex has decided to take a road trip across the country to visit historic cities and spit from their most prominent landmarks. Enjoy the view at the St...