Starting Line-Up
So you're a true soccer enthusiast, huh?Show your tactical knowledge, then, by using the free app, Starting Line-Up!Create formations for your fav...
So you're a true soccer enthusiast, huh?Show your tactical knowledge, then, by using the free app, Starting Line-Up!Create formations for your fav...
French Start!Welcome to the wonderful world of French!This is a very helpful App for people of all ages that are learning Frech language.Bonjour! With...
Use this app to answer the question who will be the next start player. Insert the names of all players for your next game and this app will randomly s...
French Start! is the the ideal app for beginners. Use it to acquire basic French vocabulary with our virtual flashcards learning system. The app has 5...
The ideal app for beginners! Acquire basic Spanish vocabulary using our virtual flashcards, based upon the recognised Leitner learning system. Every ...
Zorgen dat iedereen weer gezond naar huis gaat na een werkdag is van groot belang bij APMTR: Samen uit, Samen thuis. Daarom is veiligheid het STARTpun...
VirtualTriage es un programa diseñado para enseñar y practicar la clasificación de heridos en una catástrofe. Está destinado a todos los profesionales...
本 APP 内容为电子书想构建一个成功的Web应用么? 那么正是时候 Getting Real. Getting Real 是一种更小规模,更快速,更高质量的软件构建方法。由著名的 37signals 团队/Ruby On Rails 的创造者们撰写* 繁簡介面支援* 內容支援繁簡顯示* 可用音量鍵...
母乳是上天給寶寶最好的禮物,母乳的營養最天然、成分最安全,能哺餵母乳,對新手媽媽和寶寶來說,是最幸福的事。不過,哺乳之前若能做足功課,媽媽們在產後就可立即開始哺乳,哺乳這條路就能更順遂,遇到狀況難題也能迎刃而解。 在數位浪潮席捲全球的時代,特別製作《母乳一指通APP》,讓新生代媽媽能藉由智慧型載具,...