POS Print
POS Print is a Bluetooth point-of-sale printing solution for the Android™ platform.Why tie your projects to one printer?The goal of POS Print is to pr...
POS Print is a Bluetooth point-of-sale printing solution for the Android™ platform.Why tie your projects to one printer?The goal of POS Print is to pr...
【軟件基本介紹】幫助你控制你的購物預算!!這套軟體可以讓你輕鬆記錄購買的商品可以幫你回顧購買過的歷史記錄讓你即時知道商品價格的波動不同購買時間、不同購買地點的差異根據以上 你將掌握更省錢更方便的購物消費【主要功能特点】1.購物輸入要購買之商品條碼若此商品之前有購買過 系統會自動帶出前次購買價格 輸入...
Microsoft Excel is second only to Microsoft Word as the oldest and most powerful pieces of industry standard software from Microsoft for the Macintosh...
This is the beta version of the ³ (aka Cubed) music player. Enjoy! NOTE_ If you are having issues with album art run 'Get Art' again. If that does no...
*****Features★ New graphics for launcher bar! ★ 60+ custom icons! ★ Wallpaper gallery included! ★ ADW theme support (ADW.Launcher and ADW EX)★ Launche...
3-D Printing is ushering a new era, it leads another industrial revolution and eventually will change everything. Just imaging that the meal materiali...
Juego de mesa basado en el más tradicional de todos los juegos en Colombia, el Parqués, derivado del antiguo Parchisi, Chaupat o Chaupar de la India, ...
PARTcloud.net is a leading Free 3D Printing & Sharing Community for discovering and sharing printable 3D Designs and other parts from the field of eng...
3D极速试驾是一款强调真实感的赛车游戏。 游戏特色: ⊙收录了50多个汽车品牌的150多辆赛车 ⊙比赛车舞台设定于夏威夷的瓦胡岛,面积约596平方公里、有112公里的海岸线 ⊙场景都是通过卫星拍摄的照片以及GPS系统制作的,精确呈现了当地的地形,画面给人以实地拍摄的感觉。 ⊙在细节和整体上的强劲表现...