

我家—家庭圈私密分享 “我家”是什么? 【我家】是一个家庭圈的私密分享软件。你可以与家人一起记录、分享彼此的生活和成长,更可以整理和珍藏这些只属于自己家庭的记忆。 【家庭圈】朋友再多也要回家!每个人,总有很多不适合在朋友圈分享的东西,总有很多只有家人才关心的东西,赶紧建立自己的【家庭圈】吧。 “我家...

Совместимость имен

Узнайте подходят ли ваши имена друг другу. Выберите свое имя и имя партнера. Приложение даст ответ - что ждет вас и вашего партнера. Любовь (брак), ра...

Race Track

Since 50 years this game is played with pencil and paper, now it has finally found its way to smartphones. 3 exciting modes waiting to be played: Sing...

Finding Dino

Naughty birds nicked baby Dino's beloved toy. Help Dino to jump into the canyon and get it back. This game is quite simple and easy to play, also idea...

Guess Doodles

Meet the new trivia game «Guess Doodles». It’s sequel of our game «Doodle Movies». But this time we’re going to check your knowledge in geography, his...