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觀世音菩薩-手機拜佛許願 修行聽佛音

觀世音菩薩具有平等無私的廣大悲願,當眾生遇到任何的困難和苦痛, 如能至誠稱念觀世音菩薩,就會得到菩薩的救護。而且,觀世音菩薩最能適應眾生的要求,對不同的眾生,便現化不同的身相,說不同的法門。[3]在佛教的眾多菩薩中,觀世音菩薩也最為民間所熟知和信仰觀世音菩薩各種菩薩形象,應有盡有,從聽佛音看經典到祭...

Family Tree

* FIXED * - The Confirm button wasnt working under some situations.Family Tree is a great way to keep in touch with your family. It is an extension of...


Tired of waiting for a ride? They just don't stop sometimes? Those are troubles of the past with Careem's chauffeured car booking service!Book...