

用有趣的方式去學習英語,本遊戲會聆聽你的話語。這有兩個方面,一個是學習新單詞,第二個是幫助改善發音這個應用程序是以遊戲格式設計,顯示圖像後,便可說出你所看到的。它聽到你的回應後會顯示你的發音準確程度。我們的對象是正在學習英語作為第二語言的兒童和成人。The app listens to you sa...

My Forex

For you, usually on business trip, are able to know volatility of the foreign currencies? Facing the severe of volatility by International Market, cou...


Have you ever purchased a new pair of headphones and figure out you didn't like the sound quality doubting your ear and other user's feedback? Do you ...