柯波帝 冷血告白 pps

iFunny :

Sex and iFunny - the only two things you can enjoy without being good at. And if for some reason you are not having much of the first one you can stil...

iFunny :

Time to add new flavor to everyday life. iFunny is your personal source of fun made to your taste. Install iFunny once and have a daily portion of gig...

Sudoku :

Love Sudokus? Get the most user friendly Sudoku game, for FREE! Features: - Unlimited Sudokus in 4 different difficulty settings. - Great statistics t...


Datuk Lee Chong Wei ( 李宗伟); born October 21, 1982 in Georgetown, Penang is a professional badminton player from Malaysia. Lee won the silver medal in ...


米其林輪胎於西元1972年在台灣的歷史,當時的忠欣公司成為米其林集團台灣區的代理商,進口銷售米其林輪胎。西元1999年7月,米其林集團正式進入台灣,併購了當時的忠欣公司輪胎事業部而成立米其林忠欣股份有限公司,在台北汐止設立總公司,讓台灣消費者開始能夠與國外的消費者一般享用高品質高性能的輪胎產品。 為...

Draw er

**Awarded third "Best Artistic App of 2011" on BestAppEver.com**Draw(er) is a sketching/drawing app, with a twist. The various tools give you a new pe...


APP 即時看 - 只要輸入你的 APP 帳號與密碼,即可預覽我們為您建構中 APP 的 即時進度。將手機晃動一下,就可以重新預覽。模法雲端提供超過40種的APP功能,不只能向使用者傳遞訊息,更有QR code掃描、打卡、回傳照片等互動功能。不論在哪,都能在彈指間接收到您的商品與活動訊息,您可以隨時...