

波多野结衣,素有AV界“志玲姐姐”之称。波多野结衣因为出色的外表以及身材,真是好到爆,胸型浑圆自然,加上她那冷豔的脸孔、白的如瓷器的滑嫩肌肤、纤细的腰身、修长的美腿,出道没多久便一炮而红。素人出身的波多野结衣,2010年的情人节(2月14日)结婚,成为一名人妻的她继续活跃在荧幕上。 现在波多野结衣的...

Flag Quiz

This is a simple flags quiz to help you learn the flags of the world.There are 3 modes of game:- 60 seconds- all flags- no fault===More features and l...


The Murfie app allows Murfie customers to stream their physical Compact Disc collections as well as buy new & used music using their Android devices.M...