

板球(cricket),又名木球,一向给人称颂为“绅士的游戏,是一项崇尚体育精神和公平比赛的运动。板球起源于英国,盛行英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、印度、孟加拉、尼泊尔等国家。 小编可从来没有玩过,也从来没有听说过,上手感觉跟棒球差不多,不过据说这是android平台上第一款板球类游戏,给大家感受一下。免...


1. 開放性:資料完整公開:店面的位置、電話、照片以及評論…等等。開放的環境下能讓使用者快速 搜索想要的資訊。 2. 正確性:資料時常更新不用怕商家的資訊與您的實際不符合。 3. 可行性:資料數量高達一千多筆,且與新北市政府資料開放平台做連結更新,不同於一般美食 APP 有過期更新的煩惱。 主打讓使...

Screen on

This app Works on Android 1.6 to 2.3.x, Does not work on Android 3.x and 4.x. Are you using a "screen off" app such as "Screen off","Screen Off and Lo...


* 僅支援android 1.6 - 2.3.x *由于手機電源鍵不方便使用或者擔心手機電源鍵的夀命問題,妳在使用一些關屏程式或者一鍵鎖屏程式。這些程式確實很方便,對吧? 但是,開啓手機熒幕呢,沒有rooted的手機妳就使用電源鍵,rooted了的手機妳可以修改系統的鍵盤映射,將特定的物理按鍵修改使...


The first crowd sourced moon sighting app, ever! This app allows users all around the world to post sightings, or non sightings, of the crescent moon....

Puzzle Do

Slide the Tiles and match the target in the shortest time you can.There is A time limit for each puzzle and when this reaches zero the game is over.Ca...

Sum 12

Sum12 – logic game based on the mathematics and on the visual attention. Here was used at the basis old game. In this old game it was necessary to put...

Eye Lift

Instantly lift your eye lids and have wide awake eyes. This app provides you the way to have desirable and more attractive eyes. Lift your eyelids wit...

Money or Not.

Are you avoiding the end of the month? Toomany Bills to pay? Not enough money?This App is full of Help and Tips on how todeal with financial problems…...