板橋國泰 月子


1999年成立的合泰婦產小兒專科診所,是由魏煥全醫師,孫立昇醫師,王耀德醫師,3位經驗豐富的婦產專科醫師,聯合專業小兒科湯美萍醫師及黃薰平醫師,及專業護理人員聯手打造一個全方位婦幼醫療天地。 合泰婦幼一直以來秉持著熱忱、負責、及服務的心,希望讓每位進入合泰婦產科診的病患能安心的將健康問題交給我們。除...

Furry Fury

It’s the biggest, baddest Furry Fury ever!!! well... at least it’s the first!Furry Fury is a frantic game, a crazy 3D whack a mole with some of the mo...

Furry in Hell

HELPPPPP!!!! Furry is in hell and we must take him out of there!Fly the lovely Furry trough the obstacles and help him get the score he needs to get o...