

最强劲、火爆的经营类游戏,自己当店长,打造万众瞩目的超市帝国!萌翻了的美女,帅爆了的俊男,搞怪的顽童,邻家的小妹,诱惑的明星,穿越的康熙……,各种奇妙,各种想不到,各种惊喜high到叫!!! 玲琅满目的商品 食品、日用、服装、玩具、电子、奢侈品6大商业领域等待你去占领,几百种商品需要你尽心料理,不过...

Voalte Me

Voalte Me connects caregivers outside the hospital with Voalte One users inside the hospital. Using personal smartphones, care teams communicate and c...

Dolch Advanced

Reading is perhaps the most important skill a child will ever learn. The Dolch word list includes the most common 220 words and 95 nouns encountered i...

Dolch Beginner

Reading is perhaps the most important skill a child will ever learn. The Dolch word list includes the most common 220 words and 95 nouns encountered i...