
Quick OS

Quick OS android app is one incredibly simple and amazingly helpful app which helps you prepare for the subject Operating Systems on-the-go with featu...

OS Map

Turn your Android phone into a handy Ordnance Survey map, with your position pinpointed on it! * VERSION 1.2 AVAILABLE NOW!* Nearly all OS scales. * F...

Wind OS

Wind OS app is almost like the real Windows on your phone. The app will let you feel the Windows atmosphere: you will hear noise of the cooler and see...

海底探险 Winx Sirenix Power

喜欢魔法俏佳人的影迷们有福了!第一个以魔法俏佳人第五季为主题的游戏应用终于来啰! 想和魔法俏佳人裡的蕾儿一样在无垠大海裡畅游?收集海妖红心换取魔法咒语以击煺崔达斯的攻击?与催达斯在计时赛中争斗,拯救赛尔奇并阻止催达斯污染无垠大海? 魔法海底探险让你畅游无垠大海,鲨鱼眼山,掌控之塔,平衡之塔,身历其境...