快招 服务行业招聘
找工作用快招,快人一步!史上更难就业季,快招求职依然给力!快招是针对服务行业推出的独立手机 找工作应用程序,我们拥有海量最新最真实的职位供您挑选。在这里您可以根据个人需求进行搜索找到 精确的心仪职位,还能通过电话第一时间联系招聘方,进行更深一步的交流。我们拥有强大的后台计算 能力,每天根据您的求职信...
找工作用快招,快人一步!史上更难就业季,快招求职依然给力!快招是针对服务行业推出的独立手机 找工作应用程序,我们拥有海量最新最真实的职位供您挑选。在这里您可以根据个人需求进行搜索找到 精确的心仪职位,还能通过电话第一时间联系招聘方,进行更深一步的交流。我们拥有强大的后台计算 能力,每天根据您的求职信...
IFFKerala application is your guide to the IFFK International Film Festival conducted every year by Kerala State chalacitra Academy, a Kerala Governme...
The Rail Driver Machine Interface (DMI) application illustrates, for educational purposes, how tactile interactivity concepts are brought into the con...
The Sensors Fusion Mission Computer application illustrates, for educational purposes, how tactile interactivity concepts are brought into the fighter...
The Glass Cockpit Primary Flight Display (PFD) application illustrates, for educational purposes, how tactile, multi-touch, interactivity concepts are...
Southeast Aerospace, Inc. extensive avionics parts sales catalog with pricing, features, specifications, and images for avionics from many manufacture...
Search for aircraft parts and repair capabilities, request quotes or contact our Parts Reps for assistance.Duncan Aviation is an aircraft parts distri...
Birding is set to change. Forever‘I have seen the future - it is Helm e-field guides, and they will revolutionise birding’ (Dominic Mitchell, Editor, ...
BTO Ringers Info: an app to help bird ringers, nest recorders and scientists check the correct ring sizes/codes to use for each bird species ringed in...
***UK and Ireland BirdTrack Records Only***An app to collect lists and casual records for BirdTrack users within the UK and Ireland. Records can be co...