

Cotswolds地区在英格兰,是英国人心中最美丽的乡村,迷人的山景,清澈的水源,寧静的草原,还有中古世纪留下来的美丽建筑,构织成英国人的自豪。 Asungo & Daisy在清境这里找到近似英国Cotswolds的美丽与自在! 清境珂之幄山庄 (The Cotswolds Villa),海拔200...


HAPPY哈特学习系列推出成语强化记忆新模式。增加你的成语词汇量,用寓教于乐的游戏形式强化成语记忆!结合时下流行的跑酷元素,用成语的力量让哈特极速奔跑起来! 背成语是不是枯燥乏味?!Happy哈特扭转你的观念!让成语灵动起来,让情绪悦动起来!孩子开心,家长放心! 成语经过历史长河的梳理,千锤百炼,精...

Voalte Me

Voalte Me connects caregivers outside the hospital with Voalte One users inside the hospital. Using personal smartphones, care teams communicate and c...

Dolch Advanced

Reading is perhaps the most important skill a child will ever learn. The Dolch word list includes the most common 220 words and 95 nouns encountered i...