

JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test, 日本语能力试验)是一种公信度高的日本语能力的国际性检测,由日本国际教育支持协会及日本国际交流基金会共同举办。2010年起JLPT开始实施新制,测验级数由四个级数改为五个级数,由难至易依序为N1~N5。N4和N5主要检测...


此App能在離線狀況下使用,使用者可以透過會計考古題App隨時隨地練習歷屆考題, 每次測驗完馬上就知道分數,督促和鼓勵自己加強練習。(獻給會計女神周老師,願老師身體健康) ※題庫陸續新增中,還有不足的地方請多包涵使用說明:a. 考題分成”在校生”及”社青組”兩個類別 b. 選擇類別後進入歷屆題庫列表...

Voice Unlocker

This is the Voice Unlocker Infos. When you have installed the Voice Unlocker, you will be able to use Voice Unlocker Infos without restriction and ad-...


Unzip Zip allows you to extract rar and zip files easily. It has a browser to browse the files on your phone or your tablet. The application supports ...

Wifi Analyzer

WiFi Analyzer is a lightweight application that analyzes the available WiFi networks.It helps you to evaluate the signal interference of existing netw...