

元曲是中华民族灿烂文化宝库中的一朵灿烂的花朵,它在思想内容和艺术成就上都体现了独有的特色,和唐诗宋词明清小说鼎足并举,成为我国文学史上一座重要的里程碑。元曲包含杂剧和散曲,有时专指杂剧。 杂剧,宋代以滑稽调笑为特点的一种表演形式。元代发展成戏曲形式,每本以四折为主,在开头或折间另加楔子。每折用同宫调...


Finally, it's time for Baabs to become a certified sleep-keeping sheep!Tap to jump over fences to help keep Baabs' designated sleeper asleep! But watc...

Baad Sheep

Goblins have been bullying the peaceful sheep for too long. Now, with your help the sheep can get some payback.Features:• High quality 3d graphics and...

Baal Bodh

Baal Bodh teaches Punjabi to children using simple flash cards with great artwork and sound. Currently included packs:ColorsGurusMool MantarNumbersAva...