

【最专业的汽车团购APP】 由团车网出品,涵盖50多个品牌,300余种车型的汽车团购,是广大团友选车、买车的不二利器。无需注册,一键快速报名,开启全套最优质的团车服务。30+城市周周开团,最新团购花絮实时更新。我们只做一件事----帮您最低价买到爱车! 【最新团购】 平均每40秒,就有一位团员报名团...


Sudoku is a number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids...


想去香港迪斯尼找回童年的纯真、想去马尔代夫看海、想去云南感受绚丽的风景…… 还不想花大把时间、精力浏览上百家团购网站,肿么办?现在通过团800的旅游度假团购app,以上问题即可迎刃而解了。 产品功能: 1、 最权威的旅游类团购,每日提供上千家团购网站旅游团购信息。 2、 精选景点门票、休闲娱乐项目、...

Old Maid

Old Maid is a Victorian card game for two to eight players probably deriving from an ancient gambling game in which the loser pays for the drinks. It ...


天天用车是一款智能、友爱的社会化车辆合乘软件; 只有经过严格认证的车主方可载客; 50%以上的乘客也是有车一族哦; 车型多样,从迈腾/天籁到奥迪/奔驰,数百款车型应有尽有; 车主和乘客的互评体系让整个平台更加透明; 我们为每趟搭乘都会赠送20万元的保险,可同时担保车主和乘客两方,让搭乘过程更加放心;...

4 in Line

The concept of this strategy game is centuries old... It is said that Captain James Cook used to play a variant of Connect 4 with his fellow officers ...

Bubble Mix

I would like to introduce you the granddaddy of all the match-three games. Before beJewelled (derived from Russian Shariki), before Bubble Shooter (de...