

Say hello to Evi. Evi is the revolutionary artificial intelligence here to help with all of your everyday information needs. Evi’s app is free to down...


Say hello to Evi.Evi is the revolutionary artificial intelligence here to help with all of your everyday information needs. Evi’s app is free to downl...

Sutra collection

听佛经可以净化心灵, 以清净心听经, 即是在修戒、定、慧。有助于您对佛教的理解及正信、正见、正念、正愿的培植人活在世上都会有不称心, 不如意的事, 于是心中免不了有或多或少的的烦恼苦闷.这都是由于妄想杂念引志的情绪动乱不安所产生的.听佛经, 念佛.心中只有佛念, 不去胡思乱想, 思想安定了, 清净了...