
AU Tides

Seven days tides tables and charts for more than 400 Austalian locations. Displays sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset times and moon phase. Uses geolo...

FR Tides

Seven days tides tables and charts for more than 200 French locations.Uses geolocation to find closest locations.Displays sunrise, sunset, moonrise, m...

UK Tides

Seven days tides tables and charts for more than 700 UK locations.Covers:- Channel Islands- England- Ireland- Isle of Man- Northern Ireland- Scotland-...


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这是一款包含亦舒小说全集的小说阅读器应用,同时它也提供了丰富的在线小说阅读功能,本小说阅读器界面简洁,美观,功能丰富: 亦舒,原名倪亦舒,五岁时到香港定居,中学毕业后,曾在《明报》任职记者,及担任电影杂志采访和编辑等。1973年,亦舒赴英国修读酒店食物管理课程,三年后回港,任职富丽华酒店公关部,后进...