

方大同app是中国电信爱音乐快速发布平台的明星应用产品,爱音乐旗下还有哎姆DJ、哎姆乐拍、哎姆明星脸等系列客户端。方大同,香港知名男歌手,于美国夏威夷出生,并先后于上海和广州生活,于1998年定居香港。他是一个在香港罕有的创作R&B及灵魂乐作品的唱作人。代表作品有:《Soul Boy》、《爱爱爱》等...


微唱-随身KTV,随时随地想唱就唱?产品主要特点? 永久免费、绝无广告? 提供伴奏、导唱等多种演唱模式? K歌时同步显示歌词,精确到字? YY语音的高音质团队倾情加盟打造的华丽音质效果? K歌时自动评分,与海量歌友一较高下? 在个人主页上传作品,且支持随时分享到微博---------------如果...


Finally, it's time for Baabs to become a certified sleep-keeping sheep!Tap to jump over fences to help keep Baabs' designated sleeper asleep! But watc...

Baad Sheep

Goblins have been bullying the peaceful sheep for too long. Now, with your help the sheep can get some payback.Features:• High quality 3d graphics and...

Baal Bodh

Baal Bodh teaches Punjabi to children using simple flash cards with great artwork and sound. Currently included packs:ColorsGurusMool MantarNumbersAva...