
Holis Theme

This is a theme for NotifierPro, you need to install NotifierPro for it to work. Configuration : * To select this theme, open NotifierPro and choose i...

Holy Quran

تم حل خطأ الصفحة 56 آل عمران برنامج القرآن الكريم يحتوي علي خواص : البحث ( باللغتين ) تحديد العلامات و التحرك مع العلامة و حفظها و التنقل السلس و القر...

Holy Quran

Quran Android is a free, open source Quran application for Android devices. This application is a gift to everyone who is interested in reading the Ho...

Holy Rosary

Free Holy RosaryBased on the popular Scriptural Edition, this new application features, by user request, the standard rosary without scripture reading...


內容介紹 : 「S.N.O.W.S LAND」はSEKAI NO OWARIオフィシャルモバイルファンクラブ「S.N.O.W.S」によるオリジナルアプリです。 現在はS.N.O.W.Sオリジナルのフォトフレーム機能を搭載しております。 S.N.O.W.Sオリジナルのフォトフレームで楽しい写真を撮っ...

Land Ruler

Easy Property Management for the landlord with a day job!Land Ruler DescriptionLand Ruler is an application made for landlords with a few properties l...

Land It

Land It! is homage to the old school lunar lander games. You control a small lander that contains a limited fuel supply and that needs to fly to each ...