

「直到街上沒有流浪動物為止」是基金會的最終使命,我們並從教育、宣導、絕育、立法、收送養等實際層面著手,解決台灣流浪動物問題。本應用程式為財團法人流浪動物之家基金會專屬行動應用程式,提供各項便利功能供下載使用。 【功能】● 愛的希望● 最新消息● 愛心送養● 愛的幫助● 活動訊息● 貓狗明星● 影音特...


So what better way to tackle the issue of youth unemployment than with an app that can be accessed anytime, anywhere?Prv.mk is a mobile app that provi...

Rajpal Yadav

Rajpal Yadav was born and brought up in Shahjahanpur and Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, where he received his primary education.He was associated with Shahja...