



“我的工资单”应用于个人薪水的管理、对比和统计,其中包括社保明细与个税计算部分。本应用鉴于社保项目和其缴纳比例经常变动,增加个人模板的支持,个人可以根据各地政策和个人缴存比例进行调整。有些地方除了使用比例外缴纳外,还有额外补充等方式,本应用也进行了支持。 该应用来自智汇云应用市场免費玩我的工资单 A...

APCO 2014

This is the official Android app for APCO 2014, APCO International’s 80th Annual Conference & Expo. APCO 2014 is the largest gathering of public safet...

AZA Annual 2014

The Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA) and the International Marine Animal Trainers' Association (IMATA) are partnering for the 2014 Annual Con...

Where I am

This application let you send send Email or SMS your location coordinates with a link to Google Maps to identify your location to you friends and pare...