

Powered by World Manager®, the le.a.d. app gives easy on-the-go access to training, communications, HR tools and more.Note: For Chicken Treat employee...


“星期一”是一款操作自由灵活,信息丰富全面 ,程序绿色安全 的免费手机炒股工具。星期一的团队励志为用户打造移动市场最好用的手机炒股软件。 1、全新的一屏界面操作模式 合理搭配的操作多板块,可随心所遇切换行情图,行情列表,自选股,股吧,等多功能板块组合和操作,再也不用来回切换返回键,一界面完成您想要的...

Job dates

Job dates is an app that I created so I could keep a record of the days that I have worked (when, where and for how much).Launch icon sourced from Fre...