

Upvise提供移動按需同步和協作軟件和託管服務,為小企業和個人。隨著 Upvise,你可以組織和共享信息與你的同事,之間的數據和同步所有的移動電話和網絡帳戶在你的公司。該 Upvise應用程序套件是專責提供生產力和簡單的組合,而在這去。聯繫人:隨時掌握誰是你洽談業務,什麼是說,下一步該怎麼做。分配...


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Fretter - Chords

If you are looking for a chord reference app: Fretter is what you need! Instead of using databases like most other apps, it calculates chords! No long...

KeyChord Lite

The paid edition of this new version 2.0 has been featured on the Android Market and made it to the top selling list!== Full version now 33% off until...

I Encrypt

A novel cryptographic system beyond worldwide military and security agencies cryptanalysis capabilities. By using it, your information is simply non-i...