
NFC读卡器 NFCard

NFCard使用手机NFC读取非接触式IC卡中的信息。 支持ISO7816-4、Felica智能卡,用来读取电子钱包(主要是公交卡)中没有设置读取限制的余额、交易记录。 已经确认可以读出的卡片有:深圳通卡(新版)、上海公交卡、香港八达通卡、北京市政一卡通(新版)、西安长安通卡、武汉城市一卡通、银联闪...

NFC Time Card

App is using the IC tag of Mifare and FeliCa.You can manage attendance.You can also browse work history.CSV output of work history ,and you can send m...

Magic Card Reader

A magic trick you can perform with a deck of cards and the aid of your phone!A card is chosen by a spectator from a complete 52 card deck of cards. Th...