

笑死朕系列第二彈,"有趣圖片之笑死朕"正式登場!自笑死朕系列第一彈"笑話連篇之笑死朕"推出以來,很榮幸得到大家支持,已達到超過一百次五星好評!( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.miraclesapp.laughdieme )為答謝...


The story takes place in the distant future, starting near the planet known as Earth. A small rebel group of citizens living in the solar system defie...

Warring States

★★★★★ You will get 80 Gems by logging in with this app for the first time!!! This is our popular MMO RPG-Strategy game. You are a chieftain of a small...