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With this program you can easily align your satellite dish. To determine the satellite dish direction, you should choose your satellite from dropdown ...


VetFinder is the comprehensive veterinarian search tool for every pet owner. The app is recommended by Hundkatzemaus (VOX), ReiterRevue, HundeReporter...


GoGrinder is for practicing Go problems.Improving your reading is the fastest way to get stronger at Go, and solving problems is the best way to impro...

Key Finder

アプリケーション "Key Finder" は、スマホと製品名”Key Finder”をBluetoothで接続し、 1)スマホからKey Finderを探す 2)Key Finderからスマホを探す 3)設定した距離を離れるとお知らせさせるためのアプリケーションです。【対応機種】(2013年7月現...

CG starter

Приложение для пользователей навигации CityGuide.Позволяет более удобно использовать навигацию - создает стартовый экран с фаворитами, которые можно н...

Farter Starter

This soundboard contains a collection of 87 farts, designed to let you fart with minimal effort.If experiencing trouser cramps, numbness of smell or d...