
恐怖之眼 汉化版

一款第一人称视角的恐怖探险游戏。如果你喜欢“神秘人 Slender”系列,那你一定也会喜欢它! 探索一个古老、废旧的房子,并收集任何值钱的东西,但要小心 - 有传言这里时常有鬼魂出没,所以你要时刻小心,体验恐惧和恐怖的气氛。 这很容易,你需要的只是不断突破,抓住所有的东西,背对着门。你将完全不知道,...

Bracket Maker

This application allows you to create your own tournament. The tournament field can have 4, 8, or 16 teams and allow you to fully customize your team ...

Nacho Maker

Nacho Night! It’s serious fun to make nachos! Nachos are not just for a night at the movies or for the skating rink - now you can make them on your de...

Gaming cheats

This app has been providing gamers with an unparalleled collection of cheats for thousands of games. This mega app is packed full of cheats for the PC...