

《Sonar交朋友 Sonar: Friends Nearby》让你寻找身边志同道合的朋友,利用最先进的互联网方式寻找朋友,这款应用被美国媒体大为看好,并且可以同步到诸如Facebook,Foursquare等网站。 【软件特点】: -发现身边附近的朋友 -支持Facebook,Foursquare...


We are Sonar ... We Love Music ...We play the stuff you wanna hear, and everything you must hear. Music that you'll never find on the commercial s...


Cars.com Whether you’re in the market for a vehicle or just browsing, use the Cars.com application to search for cars and dealers near you. Find the i...


Cars.co.za makes buying a car simple.Our easy to use App for Android gives South Africans access to:· Over 25,000 used cars· New car specials· New car...


CamSpeed is a camera performance benchmark for mobile devices.CamSpeed tests the performance of your mobile camera and publishes the results to the So...


MySpeed will alert you when you're near a speed camera. It can record your speed and location to a log file. What users are saying about MySpeed: "Tri...


The only mobile application with more than 80,000 cars on the market from 1941 to 2012. With photos, videos, fact sheets, reviews and more!With the Ca...

แปลภาษา ไทย เป็น อังกฤษ ดีมาก

โปรแกรมแปลภาษา ใช้งานง่ายมาก มีเสียงอ่าน แปลเป็นประโยคได้ นอกจากรองรับหลายภาษา เช่น ไทย อังกฤษ จีน เกาหลี ญี่ปุ่น เยอรมัน ฝรั่งเศส ลาว กัมพูชา เวียดนา...

해외여행 가격비교

해외여행 가격비교 어플은, 해외여행을 준비하시는 분들이 보다 편리하게 여행상품을 비교 선택 할 수 있도록 지원해 주는 어플리케이션입니다. 해외여행은 크게 패키지여행과 자유여행으로 두가지로 나눌 수 있으며, 본 어플에서도 2가지 여행별로 상품을 비교 하실 수 있도록 구현...