在几米,帮你找到周围与你志同道合、有共同话题的新朋友。约饭、寻人、求交往必备之良品。 ★ 加入附近的兴趣、话题小组 ★ 与正在附近的用户实时群聊 ★ 结识周边志趣相投的新朋友 【基于真实位置的兴趣、话题小组,自由发布或参与任何话题】 【无需添加好友申请验证,即可与附近的人群聊或私聊】 【登陆即自动加...
Google 注音輸入法是一個聰明好用的輸入法應用程式,讓您可在 Android 手機和平板電腦上輸入繁體中文。我們支援多種輸入法,其中包括: - 注音 (注音符號) - 倉頡 - 拼音 - 手寫 - 語音 主要功能: - 注音輸入法採智慧型設計,可讓您輕鬆輸入國字、詞組和句子 - 在注音鍵盤上快速...
百資正(繁)體中文輸入法是最實用、最簡單方便的正體輸入法!提供智能英文輸入法、中文手寫輸入、繁體注音輸入法、繁體倉頡輸入和繁體速成輸入。 百資正體中文輸入法具備極快的反應速度,精確的聯想詞庫及智慧記憶功能。本輸入法是Google Play上面最受歡迎的有超過百萬用戶的繁中輸入法之一。 百資正體中文輸...
一組安全的密碼應該每半年更換一次。可是你是否已經把密碼換過來換過去已經想不到新梗了呢 ?有一種方法是利用注音輸入某個字串,卻用英文輸出字元例如 "王大明" --> "j;6284au/6"這招在傳統PC 上可以很輕易的完成可是我在原本的 Android 鍵盤上卻覺得很煩惱 所以寫了這個輸入法安裝完後...
Let's Go is an innovative new mobile application owned and managed by Elite Group. It allows you to know every detail you need to know about a venue i...
Lets get pierced is a health department approved studio in Penrith NSW, and has been trading since June 30, 2007. We do all piercings (except major bo...
The POSnet application for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch works as a client for POSnet Server, the complete restaurant management Point of Sale system.Us...
This book is recommended recipe for a solitary life, and essay for eating. The author, Mr. jimihen took up jobs in another city, leaving their familie...
This book is recommended recipe for a solitary life, and essay for eating. The author, Mr. jimihen took up jobs in another city, leaving their familie...